
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom free download

                                     Adobe Photoshop Lightroom  Adobe Photoshop Lightroom  is a  photo  processor    and  image organizer  developed by  Adobe Systems  for  Windows  and  macOS . DOWNLOADLINK  allows viewing, organizing and  retouching  large numbers of digital images. [2]  Lightroom's edits are  non-destructive . Despite sharing its name with  Adobe Photoshop , it cannot perform many Photoshop functions such as  doctoring  (adding, removing or altering the appearance of individual image items), rendering text or 3D objects on images, or modifying individual video frames. Lightroom is not a  file manager  like  Adobe Bridge . It cannot operate on files unless...

Adobe After Effects Free Download

                        Adobe After Effects Adobe After Effects  is a digital  visual effects ,  motion graphics , and  compositing   application  developed by  Adobe Systems   DOWNLOAD LINK used in the  post-production  process of  film making  and  television production . Among other things, After Effects can be used for  keying ,  tracking ,  compositing  and  animation . It also functions as a very basic  non-linear ed itor , audio editor and media  transcoder .